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NovNew Earthwise loan program aims to make clean energy more accessible
Groundswell Capital provides low-interest loans for solar and HVAC systems, sewer, rain harvesting and more Lower-income communities are less likely to adopt rooftop solar systems, according to a Department of Energy study. As the demand for sustainable energy rises, a new program called Earthwise is paving the way for homeowners in Arizona to access eco-friendly home improvements like rooftop solar without the traditional financial burdens.

OctInflation Reduction Act catalyzed Arizona’s growth in clean energy jobs
he nation’s first solar-powered cobalt processing facility will break ground next year in Yuma County, a $300 million project subsidized by a big federal investment in climate-friendly projects. The plan is one of two dozen projects underway in Arizona catalyzed by the Inflation Reduction Act signed by President Joe Biden in August 2022. The law set aside $370 billion to promote clean energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

OctSRP contributes $100K over 5 years to Tempe conservation projects
Salt River Project is providing financial support to two Tempe programs designed to conserve water. The utility recently announced a $10,000 annual contribution - $50,000 over five years - to support the city’s non-residential landscape conversion program and a similar contribution for Tempe’s cooling tower rebate program for non-residential customers. The landscape program offers an incentive for Tempe’s commercial water customers to convert to desert-friendly landscaping, according to an SRP release.
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